The Mindful Midlife Crisis

Episode 41--The Midlife Male with Greg Scheinman

Billy & Brian Season 4
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00:00:00 | 01:06:32

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In this week's episode, Billy and Brian talk to The Mindful Male podcast host Greg Scheinman.  Greg helps men maximize middle age and achieve a better quality of life.  He’s the host of The Midlife Male podcast & newsletter as well as a performance coach, author, speaker, advisor and investor to brands that help men live better and healthier.   A former entrepreneur greg was founder and CEO of team baby entertainment which he sold to former Disney CEO Michael Eisner.  He was also a partner at Insgroup a large risk management & insurance firm which sold to BRP, a Nasdaq company in 2020.  He competes in the d10 decathlon, hyrox and other adventure challenges annually. He has also been a loving husband to his wife Kate for the last 20 years and the two of them have two teenage boys Auden and Harper.  You can check him out at   

We discuss: 
--How the loss of his father when Greg was young and the imprisonment of his brother fueled his drive to help middle-aged men live their best lives
--Which experiences and choices from his 20s and 30s shaped who he was back then and how those two decades of experiences have shaped who he is are today 
--How Greg’s Six Fs can help reinvent the midlife male, which one were out of alignment for him, what he did to get them all pointing in the same direction, and which F other men most struggle pointing forward
--How his message also relates to younger men (including his sons) and where he sees resistance from younger men when it comes to taking the necessary steps to align their goals and values
--Why Greg is against the “anti-aging” movement and enjoys “aging well”

Like what you heard from Greg Scheinman?  Contact him at:

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Livin Foundation, which is a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote a positive outlook on life, reduce the stigma associated with depression/mental illness, and ultimately prevent suicide through various activities, events, & outreach.

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